Contact Your Elected Officials about Menstrual Equity Legislation in MA
Contact Your Elected Officials about Menstrual Equity Legislation in MA 〰️
Welcome to Free Period Ministry
Menstruation supplies
to those in need.
Free, period.
Free. (Free Period) is a volunteer led and staffed ministry offered by St. John the Evangelist in Hingham, MA. We distribute products through MA based Community Partners (listed below).
Products to support the natural function of menstruation are an added expense placed on many who are already financially insecure. There are no Federal benefit programs to cover this cost and this gap in need and coverage imposes yet another barrier to equity in education and employment as many are forced to miss school or work during their period.
Help us end period poverty in Massachusetts
Quick Links
The Teal Circle Project
Free. has created a simple program to help students access period products in schools. Please reach out to for more information. Printable signs and materials will be sent to you, free of charge, because access to menstruation supplies in schools should be free, period.
Free. In The News
More School Stock Tampons and Pads, but Access is Still a Problem
Partners With a Purpose: Unicorn and Free Period Ministry Advance Women’s Equity
Thousands of students are without menstruation supplies. Free. is helping
Free. Awarded $500,000 Grant To Help End Period Poverty In Massachusetts
Listen: Free. talks about Period Poverty with The Hingham ‘Cast
Episcopal churches offer menstrual products, dignity to women, girls. Period.
Period Poverty remains an issue in Massachusetts, now a church is taking it on
Hingham Anchor Q & A with Free. Founder
Further Reading about Period Poverty in the United States““It’s a dignity issue”: Inside the movement tackling period poverty in the U.S.” (Harvard Public Health: Inside the movement tackling period poverty in the U.S. )
“Almost a quarter of teens (and one-third of adults) struggle to afford period products” (Thinx, Inc. & PERIOD.State of the Period 2023)
“Two-thirds of the 16.9 million low-income women in the US could not afford menstrual products in the past year, with a half of this needing to choose between menstrual products and food” (Journal of Global Health Reports: Period poverty: why it should be everybody’s business)
“Over 35 states currently lack menstrual care protections, leaving women incarcerated in those state prisons at the mercy (or cruelty) of their jailers” (Time: Prisons Use Menstruation as a Form of Punishment)
Period Poverty in Public Schools: A Neglected Issue in Adolescent Health
Make a donation today. Every little bit helps.
Click the button below to make a financial donation or check out our Amazon Wishlist to donate products directly.
100% of your your financial donations will go directly to those in need.
“At root, I think of this as a theological issue, which is why I’m proud our church has embraced this cause. As people of faith, we vow to respect the dignity of every human being and this is, ultimately, an issue of respect and dignity. The mission of Free. is to ensure that a basic biological function, one instituted by God in the creation of humanity, doesn’t act as a barrier to living a full and fruitful life.
So in addition to collecting products for distribution to partner agencies, we also hope to raise awareness nationally and encourage other faith-based organizations and non-profits to take up the mantle of this long-hidden issue of equity that directly impacts so many.”
— The Rev. Tim Schenck
Where to Find Free. Products
Over 450 Massachusetts Schools
Massachusetts-South Shore Community Partners
Massachusetts-Greater Brockton Area Community Partners
Upcoming Events
Past Free. Events
Menstrual Equity Advocacy Day
Free. joined menstrual equity advocates from MA!
Menstrual Equity Summit
2024 Period Poverty Awareness Week Kickoff Event
We kicked off the week with Ali Terese, author of Free Period, Student Ambassadors, MA impact leaders and elected officials.
Packing Party with the Hingham Women's Club
Members of HWC donated over 3,000 products and packaged them to benefit our unhoused neighbors through the Love Life Now Foundation.
Packing Event with Students at Brandeis
Students from Brandeis packed 200 kits to benefit students across MA.
Giving Tuesday 2023 with Fihri and Dell
Free. joined forces with Fihri and Dell to provide products for 300 students!
Period Poverty Awareness Week Kickoff and Packing Party with Allbirds
We joined forces with volunteers and members of our Giving Community to pack products for local students. Kits were given to kids before the end of the school year so summer can be enjoyed with dignity.
3rd Annual Hingham High School Product Drive
Packing Party at Wrentham Outlets Allbirds
Free. packed products with area volunteers at Allbirds Wrentham. We surpassed the 500,000 donation mark at this event!!
Donation Drive Allbirds Derby Street, Hingham, MA
Thank you Allbirds @ Derby Street Shops!
Allbirds, Hingham graciously hosted a donation drive to benefit Free. recipients. Gifts of pads, tampons and liners benefitted recipients in Southeastern MA.
Giving Party with Allbirds
Students and volunteers from all over the South Shore came together to pack products for 500 recipients!
Free. Celebration of Giving and Fundraiser
We gathered to celebrate our first year of giving and further raise awareness about Period Poverty in our local communities.
Girl Scout Silver Award Donation Drive
Local Girl Scouts working toward their Silver Award collected 5,370 products and raised $40! Their efforts supplied 286 recipients.
Rally to End Period Poverty
Free. stood with others as we rallied to end period poverty at the Massachusetts State House.
Donation Drive at Hingham High School
Students at Hingham High School collected over 10,000 products during Period Poverty Awareness Week in 2022!
Giving Party to Empower 500 Students
During this event, volunteers from Free. and the community joined TOP to pack 3 months of supplies for 500 local students.
Packing Party for the Love Life Now Foundation
Students from the Middle School Youth Group at St. John’s joined together to pack 3 months of supplies for 90 recipients. The Love Life Now Foundation works to support lives impacted by domestic violence.
Giving Tuesday Event to Benefit 360+ Teens on the South Shore
Volunteers from Free. and the community joined together to pack products to support local teens.
Back to School 2021
Free. Volunteers were joined by TOP(the organic project) to prepare 3 months of supplies for 260 South Shore students.
Kendra Scott Give Back Event to benefit Free.
Thank you Kendra Scott for supporting our recipients!